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March of protest against Israeli aggression to be conducted in capital of Dagestan, Russian Federation

14.01.2009 15:35

Critical situation around Gaza Strip was discussed during a special meeting in the Central Djouma-Mosque in Mahachkala (Republic of Dagestan, Russian Federation) on January 13, 2009, bringing together Muslim clergymen, statesmen, public figures, representatives of political parties and movements, as well as political analysts and scientists.

According to “Islam in Dagestan” news agency, participants of the meeting expressed unanimous condemnation of Israeli military aggression against Gaza and made emphasis on grave consequences of this slaughter. They also mentioned that people of Dagestan share pain of Palestinians and mourn about all victims of this unrighteous war.

During the meeting Muhammadrasul-hajji Saaduev, Imam of the Central Djouma-Mosque, suggested that Muslims should arrange march of solidarity with people of Palestine which would take place before the Central Djouma-Mosque on January 16, 2009, protesting against criminal actions of Israel in Gaza. This idea was broadly and unanimously supported by everyone.

Also the participants decided to start donation campaign in order to accumulate financial aid for all victims of war, as prompt elimination of humanitarian disaster in Gaza is currently the main priority.

To add, donation process has already been launched in several mosque of Dagestan.

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<a href="">ISLAMRF.RU: March of protest against Israeli aggression to be conducted in capital of Dagestan, Russian Federation</a>