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Muslim clergymen of Nizhny Novgorod elect new Chairman of the Regional Ulems Council

13.01.2009 16:21

Religious Board of Muslims for the Nizhny Novgorod Region will hold a new working session in the country-side of Nizhny Novgorod (Poshatovo village) on January 13, 2009. According to Damir Mukhetdinov, Deputy Chairman of DUMNO, this event is dedicated to the 1120th anniversary since the day the Volga Bulgaria adopted Islam. Indeed, this fact is highly important and inspiring for all tartar and Muslim population of Russia, making obvious that the Islamic faith has palpable socio-cultural background in Russia.

Agenda of the upcoming meeting revolves around several issues, among which election of the new Chairman of the Ulems Council of DUMNO. Till the end of 2008 the Ulems Council had been headed by Umar-hazrat Idrisov, who left this post due to further promotion, being offered a position of the Official Representative of the Central Religious Board of Muslims to Islamic Culture, Studies and Education Support Fund. According to the DUMNO Statute, the new Chairman of the Ulems Council also attains rank of Imam-khatib of the Cathedral Mosque of Nizhny Novgorod.

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