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Imam-ahuns to re-emerge in Bashkortostan

12.12.2008 17:52

Islamic administration system of Bashkortostan is shifting towards introduction the position of “Imam-Ahun”, which was unanimously approved by the republican Imam-mukhtasibs during their meeting session on November, 29 2008 in Salavat-city.

It was mentioned, that Imam-ahuns will combine both administrative and ritual functions, like it was in pre-revolution times, i.e. before 1917. Today re-emergence of this important institution can be explained by the increasing number of mosques, opening all over Bashkortostan. No doubt, this is a totally positive trend, as it marks ongoing Islamic Renaissance in the Republic.

To add, this category of Imams will be fully recruited from madrasah-graduates who will have started their service by the end of the year.

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